The Canonbury School Foundation was set up in 1995 to help enrich the lives of Canonbury Primary School students and provide equipment and activities additional to what the schools budget would normally cover.
- We fund a broad range of projects and aim to ensure that no child misses out on opportunities to grow and flourish during their time at Canonbury.
- We raise money by running fundraising events, seeking contributions from parents and local businesses, and applying for grant funding.

The Foundation has funded or helped fund projects such as
- Fantastic new Canonbury village playground
- Extra school trips including residentials, see below for more information
- Extra music provision exclusive to Canonbury including provision and maintenance of a brass instrument for every child in years 5 and 6, and a recorder for every child in years 3 and 4.
- Hiring the Union Chapel for the bi-annual school concerts
- New percussion instruments across the school
- Trips to the London Symphony Orchestra
How you can help

- You can sign up to give regular donations or make a one-off donation through the Charities Aid Foundation – please do check the Gift Aid box if you are eligible!
- Or you can set up a direct debit or standing order through your own bank, which we can also claim Gift Aid on where permitted. Our bank details are: Canonbury School Foundation, Account number: 81442513, Sort code: 50-30-09
- Do your online shopping through Give as you Live, which donates to us a percentage of everything you buy, at no extra cost to you – sign up here https://www.giveasyoulive.com/join/canonbury
- Join in with our fundraising events such as the Christmas and Summer fairs, Run Canonbury Run, silent auctions and more
- Ask your employers: funding / partnering / give as you earn
- Spread the word do your neighbours friends or family want to help us
- Join the PTA or the Foundation! We always need help running events and if you have time or skills to offer, please contact us on canonburyfoundation@gmail.com or ask your Class Rep to add you to the PTA Whatsapp group.